

The Horse Show Services Company was born in 2012 out of the urgent need for specialized workforce in national and international horseshows. We have since evolved to become a provider of competent crews that can perform a wide array of services, all around Canada.

We are available to prepare every aspect of a horse show:

  • Building and manning courses to FEI standards
  • Radio rentals (walkie-talkie)
  • Artificial flower and ring decoration rental
  • Footing care (drag and water)
  • Landscaping
  • Ring construction
  • Maintenance of competition material
  • Putting up tents
  • Building stalls
  • Hay and shaving delivery
  • Hay baling and warehousing
  • Cleaning competition sites
  • Security (FEI and other types)
  • Painting
  • Sale and rent of custom-made obstacles

We have teams available for all horse show sizes and everything your horse show needs to run smoothly.

Whether you are a regional show needing maintenance for your facilities or an international horseshow in need of the expertise of our jump crew teams, you have only one call to make, we will take care of the rest.

Horse Show Services Co
659 rue Principale
Saint-Donat-de-Montcalm, Québec, Canada
J0T 2C0

Gabriel Bélanger, PDG/CEO
514 730-5303 
Grégoire Jullien, DRH/CHR
514 661-0293 
Sébastien Villeneuve, CS/SC
514 773-4972